Continental Congress, 4 July 1776. Declaration of Independence, adopted unanimously by the thirteen states of the United States of America. When it became necessary in the course of human affairs to one nation to break down the political ties they tied to another, and to take on a separate and equal situation between the nations, to which natural laws and caution justify it, respect for the opinions of humanity forces him to declare the reasons they force them to be independent. We believe that these truths are self-evident: that all people are created equal, that their Creator has given them with some inalienable rights, including Life, Freedom and the search for happiness; that governments are established to protect these rights, obtaining their righteous power from the consent of the Governments; that when any form of government becomes destructive to these objectives, the right of the people to change or eliminate it and establish a new government is laying its foundations on such principles and the distribution of power as it seems most likely to guarantee their security and happiness. Prudence will indeed dictate that governments that have long established should not change for light and transitional causes. And all experience has shown that people are more prone to suffering injustice as long as they are so proud of them than to restore their rights by eliminating the governments to which they are used. But when a long set of abuses and usurpations, always with the same objective, it proves that they intend to subdue them to absolute despotism, their right, their duty to throw away such government and provide new fugers for their future security. Such was the subordination of these colonies, and this is now the urgency that led to the change of their previous systems of government. The history of the current king of Great Britain is a history of repeated abuses and usurpations, which all have in the direct goal of absolute despotism over these countries. To demonstrate the reality of the said, the following facts are justly proclaimed to the world. He rejected his consent to the laws that were the healthiest and necessary for the public good. He prohibited his governors from enacting laws that were immediate and urgent importance, unless they were suspended until he heard his consent; and when they were so suspended, he completely neglected them. He refused to adopt other laws to open large areas for human cultivation, unless these people would resign the right to represent in legislation; a right that is invaluable to them and is terrible only for tyrants. He referred to legislation in the most inappropriate, unpleasant and remote places from depositing public records, with the sole purpose of tiring them to fulfill his will. He repeatedly dismantled the houses of assemblies, because they resisted his intrusion into the rights of people. He has long refused to elect new homes after dissolving them. However, the legislative power that cannot be taken back has returned to the hands of the people in general to implement it, while the countries are still exposed to the dangers of external invasions and internal unrest. He tried to limit the increase in the population in these colonies by impeding acts for naturalisation of foreigners, refusal to consent to other laws to promote their emigration and increase the conditions for new land allocations. He has hindered the implementation of justice by refusing to consent to the laws to establish judicial powers. The judges made dependent on his will, by checking the sustainability of the mandate, the height and the payment of their wages. He has established many new offices and sent the breed of officials to harass our people and eat their surpluses. He held a permanent army between us, in a time of peace, without the consent of our legislative bodies. The military forces have made independent and superior civilian authorities. He has worked with others to subordinate us to jury, to foreign our constitution and unauthorised under our laws; giving his consent to the false acts of his own authority for the following purposes: Holding the great army between us; Protection of these by false trials and maintaining impunity for the murder of our inhabitants; Cessation of our trade with all parts of the world; imposing taxes on us without our consent; Buying our benefits of a jury trial in many cases; We are taken over the sea for trial for imaginary crimes. To eliminate the free system of English laws in the neighbouring country, to establish arbitrary rule and to increase its borders, to serve as an example and an appropriate tool for introducing the same despotism into these colonies; to take away our documents, to eliminate our most valuable laws and to remove the fundamental changes in the form of our governments; to suspend our own legislative bodies and to declare their right to legislation for us in all cases. He has resigned from the reign here, by declaring that he does not protect us and by declaring war against us. He has devastated our sea, devastated our coasts, burned our cities and destroyed the lives of our people. It transmits a multitude of foreign mercenaries to complete the murders, the devastation and the revelation that has long begun, with cruelty and perfidity, which is unparalleled in the most barbaric periods. It is absolutely not suitable for being the leader of a civilised nation. It forced our fellow citizens to be covered in the high seas to turn towards their own country, to become the bloodstream of their friends and relatives, or to fall under their hands themselves. He has aroused the domestic uprising between us and tried to bring the merciless Indians, whose well-known way of warfare is to destroy all ages, gender and states. At every stage of these oppression we have asked for relief in the most humble ways, but our repeated requests have been answered by repeated injustices. Thus, a prince whose character is marked by acts which can be regarded as tyranny is unsuitable for being the ruler of the free people. We were not careless about our British brothers. We have repeatedly warned them of attempts by their legislation to impose unreasonable powers on us. We reminded them of the circumstances in which we were expatriates and settled. We complained about their natural nature.
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